About the Author
Personal aha moments during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Athleisurewear is not overrated.
Hugs are essential work.
You really can connect personally with people over Zoom.
There is a strategy to Yahtzee.
The hope that Spring brings, has never meant more to me.
I have been blown away by the swift behavioral changes exhibited by people, in support of a concept they had never heard of before (“flattening the curve”), to avoid the spread of a virus that began with bats in China. Compliance has been at great personal inconvenience, with huge sacrifices and unrelenting negative economic implications. As a behavioral scientist, the unwavering alignment of our population, followership, and faith in what we were being directed to do by medical experts, has reduced me to tears on many days. I would not have thought it possible, behaviorally. The people stayed home.